The website is managed by the French company "La Maison Du Haut-Parleur".
Legal form : S.A.R.L.
Headquarter: 138 av. Parmentier, 75011 Paris.
Share capital : 10 000€
RCS Paris : 316.570.555.
APE-NAF Code : 4743Z
Siret : 31657055500029
VAT number : FR03316570555
Locals :
- Paris : 138 Av. Parmentier, 75011 Paris, mail : [email protected]
- Toulouse : 8 rue Ozenne, 31 000 Toulouse, mail : [email protected]
Phone number : (+33)1 43 57 80 55.
Managers : M.Pierre-Michel Comparon et M.Romain Darroux
This online store was created using the PrestaShop software. Visit the PrestaShop e-commerce blog to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on online sales and management of an e-commerce site.
The site is hosted by NetCreative, 111 rue Emile Zola PO Box 10, 51871 Reims Cedex 03